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Media Manipulation At Its Worst!
Published: November 11, 2016

I have just watched Question Time on the BBC iPlayer. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a political debate programme run weekly on the BBC with a panel of 3 politicians, with one or two celebrities or subject matter experts. Last night’s programme was entirely dedicated to the US presidential election; actually let me get that right, it was entirely dedicated to Donald Trump winning and why he shouldn’t have!

The more I watched the programme, the more my blood boiled. Debates are at their heart designed to have two opposing sides to provide a balanced view of ideas and opinions. However it was typical to see that just like all the other media at the moment, there was a bias towards one side to manipulate the outcome and hence make good TV for the BBC.

I saw the BBC do this during the UK General Election, Brexit and yet again last night.

You had Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, Yvette Cooper and Sarah Churchill all sitting well inside the anti-Trump camp. Dominic Raab precariously sitting on the fence the entire time and actually barely getting a word in edgeways against the other panelists. Which left the pro-Trump opinions to be given by Jan Halper-Hayes, who even though a Republican she did her best to discredit Trump at the begining until the Chairman challenged her so she did rally her support to Trump in the end. Now add into the mix a hugely biased anti-Trump audience and there was no way that this debate was ever going to be balanced! Yet I did expect some fairness, albeit from a left wing BBC.

This is not about me being a Trump fan, as I’m not. This is about the bias views the media is bombarding us with. None of the news agencies seem to be there to report on the facts and let us draw our own opinions from them.

The current level of mainstream media manipulation is abhorrent! For years we’ve been fed the views of the politically inclined via their newspapers and programmes, with Rupert Murdoch being a prime suspect in supplying these bias opinions.

We need to remember that the American people, just like the Brits for Brexit, voted for what they wanted; not what the media wanted them to vote. Trump won; convincingly. Now while we can complain about it, look to seek injunctions or demand a change in the outcome, what is done is done. It’s time to take stock and move forward.

In this digital world our ability to communicate more openly has been increased via social media, and that is playing a huge role in our opinions. Both with Brexit and the US presidential elections we saw the traditional polling figures get it very wrong. Even up to the morning in the US, Hillary Clinton was ahead by 4 points; how wrong was that! This goes to show that even the polling organisations have a biased view on who they are selecting for their polls.

I think that an enlightened public is beginning to see through this manipulation and make up its own mind. But as the general public it is our duty to continue to challenge the mainstream media when they aim to manipulate and strive to always seek a non-biased view.


Andy T Cumming
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