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Is Donald Trump The Wolf Of Washington?
Published: November 22, 2016

I may have misled you with the title of this blog post, because I am giving this title as a compliment to the man.

I see some similarities to the re-introduction of Wolves into Yellowstone Park in 1995 with Donald Trump arriving on the political scene. When it was suggested to re-introduce the Wolves to Yellowstone it was highly controversial amongst Ranchers, who were worried the Wolves would kill their livestock along the perimeter of the park and destroy their livelihoods. There is similar controversy today with Donald Trump as some believe that he is an unknown factor that will disturb the equilibrium they have come to expect in US politics.

I have stated many times for a long time now, that when you want change to happen you have to change the composition of your environment. Now either you take out something from your current environment,  in many cases that can even be yourself, or you introduce something new into your environment.

When the Wolves were re-introduced into Yellowstone Park it triggered a still unfolding cascade effect on the park environment which will keep the scientific researchers in jobs for the next few decades.

No one even came close to imagining what was about to unfold. Prior to 1995, Wolves had been absent from the park for 70 years. During their absence the numbers of Deer and Elk had increased massively because their natural predator was no longer present and so they had free-reign on the vegetation where  in some places they had stripped the trees bare and they died.

The re-introduction of the Wolves meant that Deer and Elk numbers could be naturally controlled, as they had been in the past, and the Deer and Elk returned to their more natural pattern of behaviour by avoiding certain areas of the park and it’s vegetation.


The result was regeneration; tree growth in just 6 years was substantial enough to create a home for insects that attracted more birds. The additional trees allowed Beavers to return and create dams which provided habitat for other animals like Otters, fish and ducks. More trees gave more ground cover for Rabbit and Mice, and as the Wolves preyed on Coyotes these smaller mammal numbers also increased along with birds of prey who also fed off small mammals. Bear numbers increased as undergrowth once eaten bare by the Deer and Elk provided them with leaves and berries, plus they fed off the carrion left by the Wolves.

Not only did the flora and fauna situation change, but the landscape did too with the Rivers flowing more freely and that land becoming more sustainable.

It took just 38 wolves to make a massive change to this one small ecosystem.

So what does this have to do with Donald Trump?

I am sure most of us can agree that the current political landscape is not working particularly well, unless you are part of the establishment or the main stream media.

The US is $15 trillion dollars in debt, they have a massive illegal immigration problem, now let me emphasise the word illegal again! So while we’ve all heard politicians use the word change the fact of the matter is that not much has really changed.

When Donald Trump introduced himself into the political fold, he was a different element. He was a totally unknown political force, and people get scared when they don’t know things. He was anti-establishment, anti-mainstream media, non-conformist, boycotted the lobbyists and contributors; in essence he was shaking up the political status quo.

If the American people really want change, then based on results to date they have certainly voted correctly for it and I believe Donald Trump is going to make a big impact. While some are afraid of what might come, I really don’t feel they need to be.

The US will not become a white supremacist country; their constitution would never allow it. I’ve studied the reports on Trump and cannot find any actual evidence that he is racist; however I have noticed some manipulative media posts where he’s been quoted out of context (like many others before him). I hardly think a true racist would have an immigrant mother, two immigrant wives, Jewish son-in-law and a daughter who converted to Judaism.

Now don’t get me wrong, I totally agree that Trump has not done himself any favours, but we do have to remember that this was all part of his strategic plan. He’s spent his entire life building his brand and he’s certainly not going to be stupid enough to make comments that are not going to benefit his every move.


If we look at the global political landscape, it is apparent that people are fed up with career politicians. They are super skilled at avoiding answering questions, they are out of touch with the public, they are bureaucratic and above all they lack of results. Lets face it the US like the UK both have astonishing debt, which if this was a public company the shareholders would demand the leader to step down or be sacked. Plus we know that politicians control the media with their money and thus any political outcome.

Countries cannot sustain this level of debt and if the American people had chosen the same safer option would anything really change? Electing a black president did not changed the political landscape in the slightest. There has not been a political shake up like this in living history.

Up until now that is…

I have no doubt that it is all about to change with Donald Trump. I think he will have a big impact on the political landscape, just like the Wolves had in Yellowstone.

He doesn’t answer to anyone. He’s not scared of anyone. He went in as an underdog who took on the establishment, took on the media, took on the A-List celebrities and won against all odds. I am sure he has collected a few battle scars along the way, but he never stopped fighting.

Someone’s real character shows when they are put under pressure and this guy has the mindset of a winner.

He fought dirty, but then again so did everybody else. He just did more damage.

I hope that people have seen that since he’s been elected President his demeanour has changed; he’s calmer, more eloquent, composed and actually more presidential.

He is going to cull the establishment in Washington just like the Wolves did to the Deer and Elk, and I am sure we will see a ripple effect. He is going to make hard, unpopular decisions, I believe with the right intentions.

I also believe he saw it has his duty to step in, as he sure as hell doesn’t need the money. Possibly why his annual salary is only going to be $1 per annum. He doesn’t have to prove himself anymore, he has already achieved that, and his even put his businesses into the capable hands of his children.

His mission and his passion is make America Great Again; he totally believes that. I don’t think he has any other hidden agenda and I think people will sing a very different tune once the changes come.

Whatever happens, the political landscape has started to change and it is going to be one hell of a journey with a huge ripple effect across of the whole of the US and the world.

Here’s my Facebook Live post all about it…

Andy T Cumming
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