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How to Make Yourself Marketable as a Business Owner.

Before writing this article, I searched Google to see what others were saying about being marketable. It is largely related to the workplace and through the eyes of the employer. As a business owner being marketable is even more important. It is often neglected...
Starting A New Business – Know your market landscape

Starting A New Business – Know your market landscape

When many people leave the corporate environment and start working for themselves, they find the market landscape very different. You only have the advantage when you understand the market you are dealing with. ~ Andy T Cumming Knowing the terrain is critical when it...

Starting a New Business – The Prepared Business Owner

Starting a New Business – The Prepared Business Owner

Many people who are transitioning from a job to business ownership, leave their jobs unprepared to be an owner, and grossly underestimate the time it will take to fully get going. It is any wonder that 20% of new businesses fail in their first year. It's a struggle to...

Starting a New Business – The Lonely Business Owner

Starting a New Business – The Lonely Business Owner

Being a business owner can be lonely. Nearly 3/4 of people are now acknowledging it. When I left the workplace and started on my own, I was faced with many challenges. Getting rid of my business partner was the first after he started embezzling. Now with twice the...

Where Does Your Career Go From Here?

Where Does Your Career Go From Here?

What happens when you have reached the pinnacle of your career, and then it all changes? I don't have time to watch many programmes these days, bar one. I am a huge Game of Thrones (GoT) fan. The media recently exposed Kit Harrington, the actor who played Jon Snow as...

Who Is Most Marketable To Be Next Prime Minister?

Who Is Most Marketable To Be Next Prime Minister?

It's not always the best qualified person that becomes leader. It's regularly who is the most marketable that can be selected by the public. After the battering the Conservatives have received recently, mainly because of their poor handling of Brexit. Leading to...

Do you have an uncertain career?

Do you have an uncertain career?

How certain is your career? Are you facing uncertainty within your role? Are you finding yourself overlooked for new projects as you do have what they are looking for? Do you know what skills you have to offer? This is common problem especially for business...

Women In Entertainment, Harvey Weinstein’s Need For Charm

Women In Entertainment, Harvey Weinstein’s Need For Charm

There is no escaping Harvey Weinstein's attention in the media right now, everyone is coming out of the woodwork for all the things he has done in the past. Who is worse though, Harvey Weinstein for what he did, or how he did it or the women who did not say anything...

Be Reliable Or Settle For Mediocrity?

Be Reliable Or Settle For Mediocrity?

I ran my Impact Surgery today, which is a very low cost consultancy day based on the Diamond Status Methodology to measure on the External Impact Indicators. What does that mean? Basically I tell people what the marketplace is judging you on, so if you show up late or...

Why Are Families Not Looking After Their Elderly?

Why Are Families Not Looking After Their Elderly?

It is ironic that after doing this podcast with Theo, that I found out my grandmother died at the age of 104 years old today!  She was looked after for the last 20 odd years, all her grandchildren gave her some money each month, she had a lot of grandchildren, As she...

What Does The Marketplace Really Care About?

What Does The Marketplace Really Care About?

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Depression In Society, Is It Illness Or Unhappiness?

Depression In Society, Is It Illness Or Unhappiness?

Once a week I do  a topical talk  show with my friend and former psychiatrist Theo Soutzos where we discuss a wide range of subjects. [spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=12861191" theme="light" autoplay="false" playlist="false"...

Why Some Life Coaches Are Doing More Harm Than Good!

Why Some Life Coaches Are Doing More Harm Than Good!

Like so many people, I reached a crossroads in my life. I was fed up with the long working hours to receive a pittance of a paycheque, it's one of the problems with life coaches as well. In search of some guidance, I ventured into the self help world. Now many years...

Does One Bad Experience Make You Look Elsewhere?

Does One Bad Experience Make You Look Elsewhere?

For as many years as I can remember I have been going to the Kingsway Hall Hotel in Holborn, London and I've been happy with the service. But back in January, I made my very last ever visit due to their appalling service! Sometimes several times a week I meet my...

Tough It Out, Or Pull A Sickie; What Is The Best Choice?

Tough It Out, Or Pull A Sickie; What Is The Best Choice?

I wrote this article as I lay in bed recovering from Man Flu! When I caught it, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time. My whole week was booked solid and based on my calendar it was unlikely for me to get home before 10pm most nights. I was also in the middle of...

5 Ways For Your Voice to Impact Your Success

5 Ways For Your Voice to Impact Your Success

At one of my recent Impact Surgery consultations, I shared with one attendee why they were not getting clients; and the answer came as quite a shock! Their role was that of a Mediator and they had a very successful corporate career. It was clear that they would have...

If you are easily offended you will never make it!

If you are easily offended you will never make it!

I am in two minds right now as I write this blog. I could do the popular thing and take the moral high ground, or I could state my opinion and possibly face offending some people. Anyone that regularly reads my blogs will know that I will always give my opinion, as it...

Be Careful Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot

Be Careful Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot

I am becoming very concerned! Donald Trump has put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US there has been global widespread reaction over the decision. Now our UK Prime Minister Theresa May, has just met Trump and presumably they will have had a conversation that...

Teresa May and Donald J Trump Hold Hands; What Does It Really Mean?

Teresa May and Donald J Trump Hold Hands; What Does It Really Mean?

UK Prime Minister Teresa May visited The White House to meet Donald Trump, being the first foreign dignitary to meet him after he took office. At one particular moment they are seen to hold hands, but what does that small action really say? It is not easy to interpret...

How your point of view can destroy your chances

How your point of view can destroy your chances

In my last blog I talked about how I wrote a Facebook post about Donald J Trump which created a long debate and got quite heated at times. One of the people on that thread, decided to do something I considered to be shallow and cowardly. They chose to start a new...

Why You Need To Be Bigger, Better And Stronger!

Why You Need To Be Bigger, Better And Stronger!

Over the weekend I wrote the following post on Facebook: “I don't get it. People from other countries are going on marches to protest Donald Trump. Firstly what has it to do with them. I do not recall ever seeing people outside a country protest against tyranny like ,...

Is Donald Trump The Wolf Of Washington?

Is Donald Trump The Wolf Of Washington?

I may have misled you with the title of this blog post, because I am giving this title as a compliment to the man. I see some similarities to the re-introduction of Wolves into Yellowstone Park in 1995 with Donald Trump arriving on the political scene. When it was...

Media Manipulation At Its Worst!

Media Manipulation At Its Worst!

I have just watched Question Time on the BBC iPlayer. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a political debate programme run weekly on the BBC with a panel of 3 politicians, with one or two celebrities or subject matter experts. Last night’s programme was entirely...

Is Technological Change Ruining The Human Experience?

Is Technological Change Ruining The Human Experience?

One of the things I have always looked to do is push the boundaries and consider different ways to do things compared to the rest of the marketplace. It was how I created the Strategic Impact Process, and the Professional Impact Profile, as I'm naturally an innovator....

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Champion?

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Champion?

As we are all aware the summer Olympics are happening in Rio. Being an observer of human behaviour, there is one thing that stands out to me time and time again; the mindset of an Olympic champion versus an Olympic contender. It was something I wrote about in this...

Is Your Image Ruining Your Chances?

Is Your Image Ruining Your Chances?

What many people do not know is that I started out as a child actor at the age of two doing commercials. So while I may not remember the start of my career, I do remember the countless auditions I had to attend and learning how to stand out from the other contenders...

Do you have Self Awareness?

Do you have Self Awareness?

I often listen to Gary Vaynerchuck, who talks about having to be self aware to increase your chances of success.  I have been screaming this message for years, which is why I created the impact test to identify my gaps and increase my awareness. The sad thing is that...