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Why You Need To Be Bigger, Better And Stronger!
Published: January 25, 2017

Over the weekend I wrote the following post on Facebook:

“I don’t get it. People from other countries are going on marches to protest Donald Trump. Firstly what has it to do with them. I do not recall ever seeing people outside a country protest against tyranny like , Mugabe, Chavez, Al Assad, and yet Trump has not even got off the ground yet. Besides, I do not think he is really going to loose any sleep about what people in Australia, New Zealand, UK and all those other countries really think. They should consider doing something a bit more productive with their time.”

It had a barrage of comments from both sides. Not to be naive, I expected a backlash as some people are more than passionate about their views on Donald Trump.

My political view is not nor was not a factor in my post. I just wanted to see some fairness and prospective. My biggest gripe is that I detest bullying of any kind, particularly when people gang up on one individual.

It is one of the reasons I do what I do for a living by helping people to become bigger, better and stronger. Helping them to make an impact in their role, businesses and lifestyle.

I respect Donald Trump for what he has achieved. He faced huge criticism and ridicule from the start by the media, both sides of the political establishment and many Hollywood A-Listers. Many of those who criticised him contorted, exaggerated, colluded and withheld the truth with the intention of deceiving the public.

He is by no means an angel. However, if a lesser person had to handle this level of criticism, it would be branded as abuse.

What he did instead was fight back with punches that were a lot harder. Sometimes his methods were over the top and inexcusable, just as what the others did were also equally deplorable.

The only way people can bully you, is if you give them the opportunity.

However Trump fought hard on a shoestring budget compared to others, and achieved the near impossible which made an impact. What he will achieve, only time will tell.  However having done his impact profile, and predicted he would win by a high margin, I think many people will be surprised of what he might achieve.

There is a reason why he his a billionaire, there is a reason why a person with no political experience and no chance of winning became leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. It just didn’t happen by accident. It happened because of how he executed it.

I feel that people should put their feelings to one side for a minute and look at logically what he has achieved. They cannot ignore what he has achieved which is anything short of extraordinary. The reason is because, he took on a bigger game, played it better and had the strength to handle it through to the end.

When people do this, that is when they have what it takes to make an impact!

So, when people gang up on you, have the courage to take them on and take the heat that comes with it. This will prepare you to step it up to be bigger, better and stronger!

Andy T Cumming
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