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UK Book Tour Exposes Hilary Clintons Ability To Be President

After having gone to see Hillary Clinton on the Graham Norton Show clarified to me that she was not capable of being President.  This podcast reveals what I saw.    
Women In Entertainment, Harvey Weinstein’s Need For Charm

Women In Entertainment, Harvey Weinstein’s Need For Charm

There is no escaping Harvey Weinstein's attention in the media right now, everyone is coming out of the woodwork for all the things he has done in the past. Who is worse though, Harvey Weinstein for what he did, or how he did it or the women who did not say anything...

Be Reliable Or Settle For Mediocrity?

Be Reliable Or Settle For Mediocrity?

I ran my Impact Surgery today, which is a very low cost consultancy day based on the Diamond Status Methodology to measure on the External Impact Indicators. What does that mean? Basically I tell people what the marketplace is judging you on, so if you show up late or...

Why Are Families Not Looking After Their Elderly?

Why Are Families Not Looking After Their Elderly?

It is ironic that after doing this podcast with Theo, that I found out my grandmother died at the age of 104 years old today!  She was looked after for the last 20 odd years, all her grandchildren gave her some money each month, she had a lot of grandchildren, As she...

What Does The Marketplace Really Care About?

What Does The Marketplace Really Care About?

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Depression In Society, Is It Illness Or Unhappiness?

Depression In Society, Is It Illness Or Unhappiness?

Once a week I do  a topical talk  show with my friend and former psychiatrist Theo Soutzos where we discuss a wide range of subjects. [spreaker type=player resource="episode_id=12861191" theme="light" autoplay="false" playlist="false"...