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Be Careful Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot
Published: January 30, 2017

I am becoming very concerned!

Donald Trump has put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US there has been global widespread reaction over the decision. Now our UK Prime Minister Theresa May, has just met Trump and presumably they will have had a conversation that is above our pay grade and come to some positive agreement.

May was asked about Trump’s decision and very articulately (although defectively) answered that that was a US decision and not ours. That was a clever, very political non-committal answer.

The opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn called it weak leadership, as has so many other politicians on all sides. All banding together to ask her to condemn it publicly. Why are they calling for this? To show that the UK has the moral high ground?

Haven’t they yet learned anything about Donald Trump?

Theresa May has! She is not weak, she is clever. We are witnessing another game of strategy, which is why the likes Jeremy Corbyn will always struggle to lead a country.

Donald Trump is a narcissist who is ego driven. He does not care what people think, least of all the progressive left. Any criticism is a huge driver for him to prove that he is right and is a winner; even if he is wrong.

Handling him by condemning him publicly would be of no benefit to the UK.

To play this strategically with Trump is about knowing what to say and when. May originally answered it well, without any repercussions. Now people are asking her to shoot herself in the foot and loose leverage for future negotiations with both he US and other countries; particularly when it comes to Brexit. Remember how prior to his election, several less than impressive comments were made which have since had to be detracted.

Great leaders don’t put all their cards on the table so they have nothing to play with later. They keep people thinking, watching carefully what is happening and being ready to take advantage of it.

All I can say is that it’s a good job that we currently have Theresa May in charge. Otherwise we would be screwed if Jeremy Corbyn or Tim Farron were. They really don’t have a clue of good leadership, political strategic manoeuvring or diplomacy, because they have never led a country and frankly I hope that they will never be given that opportunity.

Andy T Cumming
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