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5 Ways For Your Voice to Impact Your Success

5 Ways For Your Voice to Impact Your Success

At one of my recent Impact Surgery consultations, I shared with one attendee why they were not getting clients; and the answer came as quite a shock! Their role was that of a Mediator and they had a very successful corporate career. It was clear that they would have...
If you are easily offended you will never make it!

If you are easily offended you will never make it!

I am in two minds right now as I write this blog. I could do the popular thing and take the moral high ground, or I could state my opinion and possibly face offending some people. Anyone that regularly reads my blogs will know that I will always give my opinion, as it...
Be Careful Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot

Be Careful Not To Shoot Yourself In The Foot

I am becoming very concerned! Donald Trump has put a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US there has been global widespread reaction over the decision. Now our UK Prime Minister Theresa May, has just met Trump and presumably they will have had a conversation that...